25 Jul 2023

WEBINAR: Connections Matter: Crew Wellbeing Through Connectivity & Content

IMarEST TV recording of a webinar sponsored by KVH Industries which took place on the 21st June 2023. This webinar was moderated by Chris Watson of KVH.

The Seafarers’ Happiness Index has shown improvements in many areas related to crew wellness – but connectivity continues to lag. Crew members crave the connections they enjoy with friends, family, entertainment channels, apps, email, and more – and this need only intensifies with long periods at sea. The ability to connect onboard is an important factor for young seafarers as they consider employment options. And with the Seafarer Workforce Report warning of a serious shortage of crew in the coming years, the industry must take note to recruit and retain the mariners needed to sustain maritime business and to keep their crew healthy, happy, and mentally well.

How can shipping companies use connectivity and content to achieve these important goals? This panel of maritime industry experts explain how you can respond to this important need while improving business operations and growing your business at sea.

The Speakers

Moderator: Chris Watson, VP of Marketing & Communications at KVH

Jamie Airs, Global Content Advisor, KVH
Steven Jones - Maritime and International Affairs Specialist, Consultant and Writer
Stephanie Mclay - Senior Human Factors Consultant, IMarEST Seafarer SIG Chairperson
Erik Aukema - Managing Crewing/DPA-ForestWave
Sara Kazamias - Assistant Director, Career Services, MMA

Watch Now (IMarEST Members only)