25 Jul 2023

WEBINAR: The human factor impacts of future fuels

IMarEST TV recording of a webinar sponsored by Lloyd's Register which took place on the 27th June 2023. 

Within the next decade, the maritime industry will start using new zero-carbon fuels to propel vessels. The introduction and take up of these fuels present many landside and onboard challenges. For crew, the operational risks and safety impacts of these new fuels are front of mind as many are hazardous and there is currently limited experience around their safe and efficient use. Helping seafarers navigate a transition that will impact ship design, involve new and unfamiliar technologies, and require additional skills calls for focus and collaboration.

This hour-long panel discussion, timed to coincide with Day of Seafarer, assesses what needs to happen to ensure crew are supported with this transition and our panel of industry experts share insights on the developments that are already underway.

The Speakers

Moderator: Andy Franks - Decarbonisation Risk Specialist, Maritime Decarbonisation Hub

Martha Selwyn - Manager, United Nations Global Compact
Matt Dunlop - Director of Sustainability and Decarbonization at V.Group and Strategic Partner and Secondee to the Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller Center for Zero Carbon Shipping, Copenhagen
John Lloyd - Chief Executive of the Nautical Institute
Steven Jones - Nominated by the Mission to Seafarers

Watch Now (IMarEST Members only)